
第1回 準2級模擬試験
1 I just bought this watch, but it (               ) a minute or two every week.

1 shuts 2 brings 3 loses 4 kills
2 As soon as the restaurant (               ) more waiters, the setvice began to get better.

1 rented 2 hired 3 saved 4 ordered
3 It was certainly (               ) of him not to say he was sorry for being late for the meeting.

1 plain 2 full 3 gentle 4 rude
4 Tom is a (               ) person. He always makes his friends smile with his joke.

1 cheerful 2 slient 3 serious 4 boring
5 A: Who was at the party?
B: They were (
               ) old friends of Andy's, but a few were people from his new company.

1 mildly 2 mostly 3 greatly 4 pleasantly
6 My mother used to (               ) me if I watched TV too much.

1 recognize 2 respect 3 scold 4 imagine
7 A: Which American writer do you (               ) the most, Chris?
B: Mark Twain, because his stories are so interesting.

1 admire 2 relax 3 refuse 4 ignore
8 A: I got tickets for next Sunday's baseball game.
B: Oh, really? Thanks. It's going to be a great (
               ) for me to see real Major League players.

1 promise 2 importance 3 interest 4 opportunity
9 In many villages in southern France, people still use a (               ) of making wine that hasn't changed in hundreds of years.

1 law 2 sort 3 method 4 material
10 In geography class, we learned that over 70% of the earth's (               ) is covered by water.

1 surface 2 bottom 3 front 4 location
11 Anna (               ) to her husband's olan to visit New York, beause she'd been there many times.

1 objected 2 proposed 3 approached 4 presented
12 When May forgot her bag on the train, she was (               ) a loss what to do next.

1 on 2 to 3 at 4 in
13 People have often tried to grow blue roses, but all their efforts have (               ) failure.

1 parted in 2 ended in 3 passed on 4 relied on
14 Greg didn't (               ) attention to what his teacher said in math class, so he failed the test.

1 hear 2 hold 3 keep 4 pay
15 Suzanne keeps in good (               ) by exercising for at least an hour every day.

1 model 2 measure 3 fashion 4 shape
16 A: To be honest, I've never been on a plane before. I'm a little nervous.
B: (
               ) it easy, Bob. You'll enjoy the flight, I'm sure.

1 Take 2 Put 3 Turn 4 Get
17 We're on the wrong train! This trainis bound (               ) Chicago, not St. Louis.

1 to 2 of 3 for 4 in
18 When you move, please inform the post office (               ) your new address.

1 for 2 in 3 to 4 of
19 Hanako went to New Zealand by (               ) of Australia last December.

1 route 2 means 3 way 4 path
20 A: Mike, are you all right? You look pale.
B: Yes. I'm just out of (
               ) from running up the stairs.

1 sight 2 step 3 work 4 breath
21 It's one thing to buy a powerful new computer, but it's quite (               ) to be able to use it.
1 another 2 others 3 the other 4 the others
22 I couldn't help (               ) when I saw the comedians come out of on the stage.
1 laughed 2 to laugh 3 laughing 4 to have laughed
23 A: It was foolish (               ) Bob's invitation to the movies.
B: Oh, really? Why? Everyone says he's a nice guy.
1 for me accepting 2 for me to be accepted 3 of me to accept 4 of me to be accepted
24 I'm just an office worker now. But I want to start my own business (               ) a few years.
1 in 2 above 3 by 4 beyond
25 A: Isn't this the hamburger shop (               ) you worked during high school?
B: Yes. I worked here for two years.
1 what 2 how 3 when 4 where

26 A: Here's your dessert, sir?
B: I didn't order apple pie. (
A: I'm terribly sorry. I'll bring it to you right away.
B: All right, but please don't take too long.

1 I asked for blueberry. 2 I decided what to order. 3 I enjoyed dinner very much. 4 I forgot to order dessert.
27 A: You look as if you're having trouble.
B: I am. (
A: Is there anything I can do to help?
B: Well, first of all, you can show me how to turn it on.

1 I haven't gotten my new computer yet. 2 I'll teach you all about computers. 3 I can't get this computer to work properly. 4 I'll show you how to use this computer.
28 A: Adrian, have you seen the front door key?
B: It's in the basket by the front door.
A: No, it's not. (
B: Well, look again. I saw it there ten minutes ago.

1 Someone left it in the basket. 2 I've got the key to the front door. 3 I looked there already. 4 The front door doesn't have a lock.
29 A: I'm getting a headache. It's too noisy in here.
B: Should we look for another coffee shop?
A: Why don't we go to the library?
B: (

1 Yes, there's another shop near here. 2 Oh, that's a good idea. 3 Sorry, but I want you to be quiet. 4 Really? I must take some medicine.
30 A: Have you heard Puffball's new CD?
B: No, what's it like?
A: It's great. They're giving a concert at Green Hall next month.
B: (
               ) I hope we can get tickets.

1 I've already got tickets. 2 I don't think I can go. 3 I don't like Puffball very much. 4 Oh, I'd really like to go.

(   )にあてはまる英文を完成させたとき、3番目と五番目にくる単語の組み合わせを選びなさい。(回答例:24)

Q  Good mornig, everyone. Welcome to New York. My name is Tim, and I'll be your guide on today's boat trip around Manhattan Island. It (  31  ) the tour. Have your cameras ready, because we'll be passing by the Statue of Liverty, as well as many other famous places.
1 finish 2 ninety 3 should 4 to 5 minutes 6 take 7 us


Q  I'll never foeget Pacific Park. It was a very beautiful park with a lot of flowers and trees near my elementary school. My (  32  ) such as baseball and hide-and-seek there after achool. During winter vacation, (  33  ) the park by picking up trash and fallen leaves from the paths.
1 and 2 to 3 I 4 friends 5 games 6 used 7 play


1 of 2 help 3 up 4 us 5 clean 6 many 7 would


Q  The average Japanese house is much smaller today than it was in 1900. Of course, it is also true that there are many more houses now. (  34  ) and 1988 in Japan. Recently, many people have moved out of large cities to find bigger houses. However, having done that, many of (  35  ) more each morning to get to their jobs in the city.
1 of 2 the 3 doubled 4 houses 5 1963 6 between 7 number


1 for 2 hours 3 them 4 travel 5 two 6 must 7 or


Welcome Abrad Artrain

 If you can't travel to visit a museum, maybe a museum will travel to visit you. That's the ( 36 ) behind Artrain, which is a musuem in a train consisting of five silver-painted cars. It brings art to towns and cities throughout the United States.
 Artrain was started in 1971 in the state of Michigan. ( 37 ) then it has traveled to more than 500 towns and opened its doors to 2.5 million visitors. It has carried a total of 13 different shows. The latest, a collection of works from the Smithsonian Institution*, is on a three-year national tour. People can see prints by famous artists in three of the train's cars. The fourth car holds a studio where artists show visitors how they work.
 Artrain doesn't have an engine. Instead, it is connected to regular trains and brought from one town to the next. The train's shops are ( 38 ) carefully, with special events and school visits in mind. Arranging a travelling show like this is hard work, but local volunteers work with the train staff to help make each shop a ( 39 ).
 When Artrain arrives in a town, kids and adults line up to see the treasures inside. For many of the youngsters, especially, it is their first visit to an art museum. And when they step down from the last car, their most common ( 40 ) is "Let's go through again !"

1 idea  
2 problem  
3 result  
4 chance  
1 Before  
2 During  
3 Since  
4 By  
1 described  
2 explained  
3 supported  
4 planned  
1 success  
2 trouble  
3 reason  
4 change  
1 stage  
2 reaction  
3 challenge  
4 manner  


No.1   New Masks, New Selves

 Have you ever worn a mask at a festival or in a school play? Then you know how much fun it is to bcome, for a short time, a monster or a comic-book hero. With masks we can change our identities and pretend to be someone or something else.
 This is one reason that masks have played an important part in many cultures for thousands of years. Many masks have religious meanings. For example, the Yupic people used to wear masks made of wood, animal skins, and feathers during special ceremonies. The masks represented natural forces, like the wind and rain, or animals, such as foxes, seals, and fish. During the ceremonies, dancers wearing masks would ask the spirits for help during the coming year. While Yupik ceremonies are rarely performed today, Native Americans in western Canada have recently returned to the old traditions of making and wearing masks.
Masks are still used in a variety of cultures by actors, actresses, and dancers. This is not really surprising, since many types of theater developed from religious ceremonies in which masks played an important role. Japanese No drama, for example, developed from dances and dramas performed during festivals at shrines and temples in the twelfth century. There are over 100 different masks used in No plays, and the designs for these masks haven't changed much in hundreds of years.
 The religious importance of masks had decreased in modern times, but the theater and festivals have kept their magic alive. Hundreds of years from now, people will probably still be impressed by that magic.

(41) What is one reason that masks have played an important part in many cultures?
1 They help people learn more about ferstivals.
2 They let us change our identities.
3 They show people how to become monsters.
4 They teach us about comic-book heroes.
(42) Yupik masks
1 were created to represent heroes of the Yupik people.
2 were worn to thank the spirits for their help in the past year.
3 were used in special religious ceremonies.
4 were put on when Yupik people hunted for foxes anf fish.
(43) Who has recently begun to make masks again?
1 The heroes of the Yupik people
2 Actors and actresses in many cultures.
3 Dancers in special ceremonies.
4 Native Americans in western Canada.
(44) Why isn't it surprising that masks are used in many types of theater?
1 There are dancers in many different countries.
2 All cultures first used masks for entertainment.
3 In many cultures, theater develped out of religious ceremonies.
4 There are over 100 different masks used in No drama.
(45) In modern times,
1 masks have lost some of their religious meaning.
2 the designs for No masks have changed a lot
3 people are not impressed by the power of masks.
4 religious ceremonies have increased in number.


No.2   Commercial Classrooms

 Advertisements can be found almost everywhere in today's world. There are commercials on TV and radio. Advertisements also appear in newspapers and magazines, and on signs at sports events. These days, more and more of these ads are being made especially for children.
 Companies know that children ae important customers. American elementary-school students alone, for example, spend alomost 15 billion dollars per year on such products as toys, cloths, and snacks. In addition, of course, children also have a lot of influence on what their parents buy.
 Until recently, schools were one place where children could escape from ads. But companies have been finding new ways to bring commercial messages into the classroom. The makers of Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, for example, have each paid millions of dollars to schools in the state of Colorado. Now, only one company's drinks can be sold at each school walls and in playgrounds. The schools have used the money they have recieved to buy musical instruments, sporting goods, and new computers.
 Some parents and teachers aren't happy with ads in schools. They say that ads make students think more about spending money than studying. But those who agree with in-school advertising say that children already see so many ads that seeing a few more at school doesn't matter. They believe that money from companies can help schools give children a better education.
 People will probaly continue to argue about advertising in schools for a long time. But even if most schools decide not to allow ads, companies will surely find other ways to appeal to children.

(46) These days, more and more advertisements are beiing made to
1 help TV and radio stations make money.
2 get consumers interested in sports events.
3 increase the sales of newspapers and magazines.
4 get children interested in companies' products.
(47) What is one reason that children are important customers?
1 They have influence on how their parents spend money.
2 They often stay home from school to watch TV.
3 They spend a lot of moey on their parents.
4 They pay to watch commercials at school.
(48) How have schools in Colorado used some of the money they have received?
1 To buy drinks from cola companies.
2 To but musical instruments.
3 To make new playgrounds.
4 To build new classrooms.
(49) Why are some parents and teachers unhappy with ads in schools?
1 Students can escape from commercial messages.
2 Advertiser will find other ways to appeal to children.
3 Ads might take students' attention away from learning.
4 Schools may not spend the money they receive on education.
(50) Which of the following statement about ads in schools is true?
1 The ads teach children not to spend their money foolshly.
2 Most parents and teachers are against advertising in schools.
3 People have differnt opinions about advertising in schools.
4 The ads help make schoolwork more interesting for students.


第1部 No.1〜No.5 再生開始

1 John doesn't live here. 2 I'll give him your message.
3 I'll go get him. 4 I don't know who john is.
No.1 1 At three fifteen. 2 Ten minures ago.
3 It arrives at seven. 4 It stops in Boston.
No.2 1 Please follow me. 2 I'll pay for the meal.
3 You're welcome. It was delicious. 4 No, thanks. We're pretty full.
No.3 1 I'll give her your message. 2 OK. I'll call again this evening.
3 Sorry, I have the wrong number. 4 I don't know when she'll be back.
No.4 1 I'll go to school today. 2 I'll ask you tomorrow.
3 I'll be free after tennis practice. 4 I'll do my homework tomorrow.
No.5 1 I can't have lunch now. 2 I don't have enough money.
3 Thank you very much. 4 These sandwiches aren't very good.

第2部 No.6〜No.10 再生開始

No.6 1 He went to the dentist. 2 He forgot his appointment.
3 He has a toothache. 4 He doesn't like to practice.


No.7 1 Catch a number 3 bus. 2 Drive to the airport.
3 Get on the airplane. 4 Go to the shopping center.


No.8 1 They're already been eaten. 2 They're for a party.
3 She's in a hurry. 4 She's on a diet.


No.9 1 To make an appointment. 2 To ask him about the traffic.
3 To tell him she'd be late. 4 To cancel their appointment.


No.10 1 A menu to choose from. 2 More time to decide.
3 Advice on what to order. 4 Some more cheese.


第3部 No.11〜No20 再生開始

No.11 1 He can visit New York. 2 He can leave New York.
3 He can drive in heavy traffic. 4 He can meet different people.


No.12 1 He recently bought his own computer. 2 He connected his computer to the Internet.
3 A friend showed him how to use the Internet. 4 A friend gave Jerry his computer.


No.13 1 The teacher gave her lessons for free. 2 The teacher stopped teaching her jazz.
3 The teacher gave her a new violin. 4 The teacher taught her many kinds of music.


No.14 1 From his father. 2 From the newspaper.
3 From his favorite singer. 4 From his friend's father.


No.15 1 There were no tickets left. 2 The train was very crowded.
3 She took the wrong bus to the station. 4 She couldn't reach the station in time.


No.16 1 Make her another cake. 2 Send some cake to her home.
3 Come to her house for a visit. 4 Tell her how to make the cake.


No.17 1 They sleep in groups. 2 They sleep on the ground.
3 They sleep with bigger animals. 4 They sleep for just a short time.


No.18 1 The freeways are well designed. 2 There's a strict speed limit.
3 German cars are well made. 4 There aren't many cars on the freeway.


No.19 1 They eat too much. 2 They don't eat enough.
3 They want to stop their diets. 4 They don't get enough exercise.


No.20 1 Go to the check-in counter. 2 Get on the plane.
3 Wait for the service agents. 4 Change to Flight 906.