

第3回 並べかえ基礎編

1 こんどの週末は何をするつもりですか。
be going to 〜=〜するつもりだ;疑問詞の後は疑問文の形

What you are to do going this weekend?
are going to do you
are you going to do
you are going to do
2 明日あなたとテニスをしたいです。
〜したい=want to 〜

I want play to tennis with you tomorrow?
want play tennis with to
want to play with tennis
want to play tennis with
3 ここは、私の町で一番きれいな所です。
the most 〜=最も〜

This is the most beautiful place in my town.
This is most the beautiful
This most beautiful is the
This is beautiful the most
4 私は今日、宿題をたくさんやらなくてはなりません。
have to 〜=〜しなければならない

I have do to a lot of homework today.
have to do a lot of
have to a lot of do
have do a lot of to
5 お宅までどのように行けばよろしいのでしょうか。
get to 〜=〜に着く

How I can to get your house?
I can get to your
can I get to your
can I get your to

