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A Town Called Celebration

 The Walt Disney Company has started building a new town in the state of Florida. It is called Celebration. The town looks like a traditional American small town. Indeed, it looks as though it ( 36 ) a Disney movie. At the same time, it has many features that no other town has.
 In most towns in the United States, people often use cars, even to go shopping. I addition, many people do not belong to any local churches or clubs. As a result, they have less chance of getting to know their neighbors, and so they feel ( 37 ). Disney's planners decided to build Celebration in a way that would solve this problem. The shopping areas have been built close to people's homes. It is hoped that people will walk instead of using their cars. Many churches and clubs have also been created. Disney hopes that these things will ( 38 ) people get to know one another.
 In some ways, however, the town will be very ( 39 ). There are plans to have every house and apartment linked to a special computer network. Later, schools and hospitals will also be connected to this network. Then, for example, school students will be able to search the library without leaving their homes.
 There are already about 2,000 people living in Celebration. Not everybody likes living there, and it is too ( 40 ) to say whether it will be a success. Only time will tell. But it should be a warm and friendly town.

1 comes from 〜から生まれた
2 goes to 〜へ行く
3 stands by 〜のそばにいる
4 puts off 延期する
1 lucky 幸運な
2 lonely 孤独な
3 hopeful 希望に満ちた
4 cheerful 楽しい
1 want 欲する
2 stop 止める
3 forget 忘れる
4 help 手助けする
1 old 古い
2 modern 現代的な
3 strong じょうぶな
4 clear 明らかな
1 sorry 残念な
2 easy 簡単な
3 early 早い
4 late 遅い